Get Ready for the Quantum World

In most of my writing, I like to explore the edges of reality. There is so much that we don’t see, and what we do perceive is not always what actually exists.

In conducting research for my upcoming book, The Presidential Pretender, I studied a number of leading-edge scientific areas. One of those areas was energy. This is an area of great confrontation in the world, woven deeply into the fabric of our nation.

We are a world that is dependent upon fossil fuels ─ oil, gas and coal. Without them, the engine of world commerce would grind to a rapid halt. However, these fuels are causing damage to the planet. Just how much is up for debate, but there is no doubt that fossil fuel emissions are a growing problem, perhaps one that could lead to the demise of mankind.

We could eliminate much of this problem with nuclear power. But there are safety issues, both real and imagined that have kept the nuclear industry in the starting blocks for the past two decades.

Solar, wind and geothermal provide potential solutions to our energy needs. But we are hampered by an enormous loss of efficiency as we try to convert this energy to a form we can use.

Why is it that a simple plant or bacteria can convert sunlight to energy so much more efficiently than we can?

Enter quantum physics.

The reality that we experience occurs as we perceive it. Every object has a location. Time proceeds in a linear manner, from past to present to future.

The quantum world is different, at least in theory. As in my writing, the quantum world exists in possibilities. And it is becoming more and more apparent that this reality is as real, or even more real, than the one we perceive.

In the quantum world, any given particle (such as an electron) has a chance of being in a whole range of locations at any given time. In essence, this means that the particle can occupy many locations at the same time. An electron of one molecule could actually hop to another molecule and back, something that doesn’t occur in classical scientific law. These particles may actually do so at a speed that is greater than the speed of light. (Do we see Star Trek here?)

Scientists are finding more and more empirical evidence that this type of behavior occurs with most, if not all matter. And it goes a long way in explaining how photosynthesis in plants or bacteria can retain more than 95% of sunlight’s energy, while man can only harness a small fraction of that. How can a single cell organism convert light to energy far more efficiently than any machine we can construct? We are only dealing with the reality that we see, not the one that actually exists. There is far more to life than we can even imagine.

These same hidden forces are at work in our physical makeup, particularly in the brain. How is it that we can experience things so “real” in our imagination? It is only a “quantum leap,” one small step for the brain, one giant step for mankind.

As scientists begin to unravel the mysteries of science, we will be hearing more and more about the real world, not just the one we see or perceive.

In The Alchemist Conspiracy, Trance stumbles upon the Philosopher’s Stone, the Elixir of Life. Who’s to say that we aren’t far from actually discovering the actual formula? Think of this. We know that Resveratrol can turn on the longevity gene, allowing the body to halt, or even reverse, some of the aging process. If we add something that helps our stem cells to replicate, we might actually have a formula that would allow us to become virtually immortal.

Just as we cannot come close to duplicating the efficiency that nature provides transformation of light to energy, the same may hold true with turning lead to gold. A hundred years from now, this may be as natural as turning coal to electricity.

The stuff of science fiction becomes the reality of tomorrow. In the future, we must all be prepared to experience a reality that many see as impossible today.

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