Good News for Varicose Vigilante Seniors on Alzheimer’s

Last week I read about a promising new treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease. It involves some ground-breaking work by Mark Pepsys, professor of medicine at University College in London. For the past 30 years, Mr. Pepsys has been working on curing diseases that are caused by the abnormal buildup of amyloid protein. This protein is a […]

Less Weight, Less Global Warming

There have been some studies coming out recently that draw a direct link between being overweight and adding to greenhouse gasses. People who are overweight eat more food. It takes energy to produce this food and this causes greenhouse gasses. When millions of people are overweight, this adds up to a lot of gas, […]

Obama’s McDonald’s Stimulus Working

McDonald’s announced their quarterly earnings this week. Same store sales are more than 4% and so are earnings. As I predicted, Obama’s stimulus plan is going right to our stomachs rather than to product. This is an unintended (but predictable) consequence to Obama’s choice to reduce payroll taxes rather than send everyone a check. I […]

Obama’s Coming New York Times Bailout

The New York Times has been experiencing a consistent loss in readership and advertising revenues. With its first quarter loss of $74.5 million, the Times is teetering on the edge of failure. The Times has $1.3 billion debt and unfunded pension liabilities of $625 million. Given its “free” cash position of $34 million (this subtracts […]

Obama Hypocracy on Nukes

While I celebrate Mr. Obama’s right to govern, I am continually amazed at the enormous disparity between his words and his actions. While the mainstream U.S. media keeps massaging him as if he is the Chosen One, Obama is doing things through executive order and summit promises that are the opposite of his words. The […]

Market Meltdown – I Warned in 2002

I ran across one of my Market Updates from May, 2002 this morning, and it struck me how easy it was to see the future. I even warned about the trillions of dollars of derivatives being purchased by the banks. The depressing thing about this is that I worry that my current predictions of America’s […]

AIG Bonus Problem: Simple Solution

The $165 million that AIG is paying in bonuses to the same executives that forced the $160 government billion bailout is the ultimate in hubris. I understand that much of these bonuses are due to “contractual” obligations of the company. Wish I could get a job where I lost my company billions and made millions […]

Obama Stimulus “Pork” For McDonalds

In the most recent Obama stimulus “tax cut” bill, the administration opted for a reduction in payroll taxes of about $10 per week, rather than sending everybody a $500 check. Now, rather than taking a $500, $1,000 or $1,500 check to a retailer and buying something, individuals will have a little spare change during the […]

The $30 Trillion Con

I don’t know about you, but I get this strange feeling that our government is deliberately covering up the biggest con of all time. Let’s do the math. I am going to use round numbers here, so please don’t quibble with me about minutia. U.S. Home equity is about $10 trillion. American homeowners have about […]

I’ve Made Mistakes Too

I make a living by giving financial advice and selling books. Over my career, there have been times when I have done pretty well. There are other times when I have made some really stupid decisions, usually when I’ve sold any of my companies. I have made some really poor personal decisions as well. I […]